The Rising was released Friday. I changed poopy diapers. It was an all day event. Not the diapers, the release. Well, ok, maybe the diapers, too.
I had a “cyber” release day party on Facebook and it was a blast. Lots of fun. Lots of cyber pats-on-the-back. Less humble authors may have gotten a big head with all the attention. But I know my place in the grand scheme of things. This week brought several reminders.
Like Paisley asking me where I was going to work when I grow up.

My darling Emma. She calls it like she sees it.
Or this little conversation with Emma…
Emma: Grandma, how many more books are you going to write before I’m twenty? (she’ll be 8 in November)
Grandma (me): I don’t know. I hope a bunch.
Emma: Probably not a whole whole bunch because you may be real old by then and already dead.
Or this from Aiden (said with a sour look on his face): Poop.

Nothing stands between Ava and snack time
Or from Ava…I was tickled to see a picture of my book in a shipping box on Facebook so I called to Ava to come look…her response was something along the line of, “Uh-huh. Can I have a snack now?”
Again from Aiden: Poop.
And Ivy: Me go poop.
Sigh. What can I say? They keep me humble.
What keeps you humble?