Waiting for the movie

My family is super supportive of my chosen career. My kids know I’m a little weird. Their spouses have learned. The grandkids think I’m pretty cool. Sometimes. Sometimes not. But to be honest, I’m surrounded by a bunch of non-readers. They’ll wait for the movie.

Grandkids Ivy (left) and Aiden actually reading a book!
Well, they were looking at the pictures.

Don’t get me wrong – it’s my problem, not theirs. They cheer me on and ask questions about my latest book and beam with pride when I show them the cover. And I have absolutely no doubt they’ll be at the book launch party and maybe at a book signing or two. And they will beam with more pride. But will they actually read my book? Probably not. And that’s okay.

Why? Because I’ve finally accepted writing novels as my career choice. I will take a day job here and there but my main focus will be writing. And to accept that as more than just a time-consuming hobby, I have to accept that my family may not be as mesmerized by the final product as I am. Yes, they are proud. Yes, they are supportive. But do they know what I mean when I say I’m proofing a galley? No. It’s not their job to know no more than it’s my job to know medical coding (my daughter) or plumbing (my son). And I’m as proud of them and their chosen careers as I know they are of me.

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4 Responses to Waiting for the movie

  1. Donna B says:

    Oh, and the dog is cute, too!

  2. Donna B says:

    Great post! Not everyone is a reader, and we can’t make them be. That’s a huge part of love. We take each other as we are. We’re not all meant to be the same. But if we love an support each other in the things we do, then that’s what counts. God bless!

    • Lynn says:

      Thanks for the comments, Donna! Took a while for me to realize just because they may not read everything I write, doesn’t mean they love me any less : )

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